Page 80 - 360.revista de alta velocidad Nº1
P. 80

360.revista de alta velocidad

                 Ministry puts brake on nation´s fast trains
                 China Daily, 14 April 2011

           BEIJING, April 14 (Xinhuanet) —  with an operational speed of 350  network will stretch to 120,000
           China’s high-speed railways will  km/h or more.                   km by the end of 2015, up from
           run  at  a  slower  speed  than  The  landmark  Beijing-Shanghai  the current 91,000 km, he said.
           previously  expected,  according  high-speed railway was built to  But he stressed that priority will
           to the newly appointed railways  run trains at 380 km/h that could  be given to ongoing projects to
           minister.  In  an  interview  with  compete with airlines. But Sheng  make  sure  they  have  enough
           People’s  Daily  published  on   did not say whether the line will  funds  for  construction  to  be
           Wednesday, Sheng Guangzu, who    still run that fast when it opens  completed, and emphasis will be
           took  on  the  role  on  Feb  25  in June.                        given  to  projects  that  are  in
           replacing former railways minister                                urgent  demand  because  of
           Liu Zhijun, said high-speed trains  Zhao Jian, a transport professor  economic development.
           will  run  at  300  kilometers  per  at  Beijing  Jiaotong  University,  Zhao said the arrangement could
           hour starting from July 1, instead  told China Daily that the speeds  mean  some  projects  might  be
           of the previously announced 350  should  have  been  slower  right  cut or postponed.
           km/h.                            from  the  start.    “Because,  at  “In  addition  to  cutting  some
           The change to the country’s high-  300 km/h or less, the high-speed  projects, the ministry should also
           speed  rail  network  was  made  rail  network  can  operate  in  a  adjust some ongoing projects as
           after Liu stepped down when he   more economically efficient and  well,” he said, adding that the
           became  the  subject  of  an     safer way,” he said. The energy  planned  350-km/h  railway
           investigation  for  an  alleged  consumption  of  trains  at  350  between Xi’an and Urumqi should
           “severe  violation  of  discipline”  km/h  could  be  twice  that  of  be built to operate at 200 km/h.
           on February 12.                  trains at 200 km/h”.             The  ministry  also  plans  to  ask
           Sheng said in the interview that  For passengers, a lowered speed  passengers to provide their real
           only the four east-west and four  could mean a cut in ticket prices  names when buying bullet train
           north-south  artery  lines  of  the  in the future.               tickets starting June 1. — From
           high-speed rail network will carry  Wang  Yongping,  spokesman  for  the  end  of  June,  the  Beijing-
           trains at 300 km/h.              the ministry, said on Wednesday  Shanghai high-speed railway will
           The inter-city lines that usually  that  the  lowering  of  the   be the first line in China to start
           connect  major  centers  within  operational speed will “provide  selling tickets online. Online sales
           regions  should  be  operated  at  a  bigger  price-float  range”,  will be extended to other lines
           between 200 and 250 km/h, while  without elaborating.             at the end of this year.
           most  railways  in  central  and  Ha  Yanmei,  who  commutes
           western  China  will  operate  at  between Beijing and Tianjin every
           less than 200 km/h.              weekend,  said  the  ticket  price
           To  placate  passengers  who     for high-speed trains should drop
           complain they are forced to ride  along with the speed.
           on  high-speed  trains  and  pay  “Otherwise,  I  will  feel  I  am
           more  because  the  ministry     cheated  by  the  ministry,”  she
           canceled slower trains, he said  said.
           there will be other options. For  As  for  concerns  about  whether
           example, the 300-km/h lines will  railway  construction  will  also
           also  operate  bullet  trains  at  slow down, Sheng said such work
           between 200 and 250 km/h.        between 2011 and 2015 will be
           The new policy is a change from  rolled out fast across the country,
           the  one  publicized  during  Liu’s  with an investment of 2.8 trillion
           time.                            yuan ($428 billion) allocated for
           Previously, China was expecting
           to build a high-speed rail network  As planned, the country’s railway

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