Page 66 - Vía Libre Special - 25 Years of Spanish High Speed Rail
P. 66


             years of Spanish high speed rail

                       The tender: Talgo wins tecnnical and financial evaluations
                  On 10 November 2015, the Board of Directors of Renfe Viajeros approved Talgo’s bid in this tender for the
                  acquisition of up to thirty new high-speed and high-capacity trains and their maintenance for a minimum period
                  of thirty years with the option to be extended for another ten years.
                  The initial bidding price set by Renfe for the first block of 15 trains, including their maintenance for 40 years was
                  of €1,401 million, while both blocks (15+15 trains) plus 40-years of maintenance amounted to €2,642 million.
                                                            Fifteen  trains  have  been  bought  initially  along  with  their
               Technical evaluation                         maintenance during three full decades, although Renfe
                                                            could acquire 15 additional units in three different 5-unit
                                                         Bid                        Alternative  tranches in the following 4 years.
               Alstom           25.145         24.517
               CAF              22.616           -          In a public event Renfe announced the technical and
               Patentes Talgo   28.114         29.616       financial evaluation of the seven bids that were finally
               Siemens          21.840         21.572       submitted in the tender, one from CAF and two from
                                                            Alstom, Siemens and Talgo.
                                                            In the technical section each of the bids could obtain a
                  maximum of 35 points and the Talgo proposals were the ones that obtained the highest scores, followed by the
                  two from  Alstom, the one from CAF and, finally, the two from Siemens.
                  In order to assess the financial bids, with which tenderers could obtain a maximum of 65 points, the price of
                  fifteen trains was analysed, the installation of French TVM signalling equipment in ten of them, and the cost of
                  homologation in France.
                  Their maintenance over thirty years was also assessed, with a discount rate of 6%, repairs, cleaning and the
                  number of seats included, plus a correction factor of 0.7 points for use. In addition, for the first time in a tender
                  of this type, energy consumption over thirty years was assessed.

       Financial evaluation

                                  Alstom     Alstom      CAF       Talgo      Talgo     Siemens     Siemens
                                            Alternative                              Alternative                        Alternative
       Price (total 15 trains) (MEUR)     493.50   470.72   321.29   337.12   337.50     469.95      469.95
       Price per train (MEUR)       32.9      31.38      21.42      22.47      22.5      31.33        31.33
       Maint. (total 15 trains, 30 years) (MEUR)    602.35   602.35   549.55   448.97   448.97   601.08   601.08
       Maint. for each train (Euros/train-km)    3.346   3.346   3.053   2.494   2.494   3.339                     3.339
       Total train purchase and Maint. (MEUR)   1,095.85   1,073.07   870.84   786.09   786.50   1,071.03   1,071.03
       Declared energy consumption (kWh/km)  13.40  13.45  15.77    13.83     13.75      12.85        12.85
       Number of seats              608        650       487        521        521        516         548
       Availability in %            98         98        91.15      99.09     99.09       94           94
       Warranty in years             5         5          5          5          5          3           3
       Financial value (Euros/seat in useful life)   166,821   156,542   158,730   137,768   137,693   183,350   176,261

                                                              With all these parameters, a financial value was obtained,
            Total evaluation (technical and financial)        with a pre-established formula that is adjusted to the
                                                              price per seat of each train in its entire useful life. That
                                 Bid           Alternative    figure was the financial value expressed in euros, which is
               Alstom            78.8             81.3        used to calculate the number of points over 65 that each
               CAF                79               -          of the bids submitted would obtain.
               Patentes Talgo    93.1             94.4        This award system, with public opening of tenders,
               Siemens           70.7             72.3        common in large international tenders was used for
                                                              the first time at Renfe. It was also a new feature that the
                                                              tender evaluated the cost of the whole life cycle of the
                  trains by introducing factors such as consumption, capacity and use or availability.

               66  Vía Libre • Special 25th Anniversary of the AVE Edition
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