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The great train robbery
The Economist, 3 septembre 2011
High-speed rail lines rarely pay fail to bridge regional divides Full steam ahead
their way. Britain’s government and sometimes exacerbate them.
should ditch its plan to build one Better connections strengthen Ultra-fast railways will have their
AT THE launch of the Liverpool- the advantages of a rich city at day. They are a good way to cut
Manchester railway in 1830, a the network’s hub: firms in air travel and carbon
statesman was killed when he wealthy regions can reach a emissions, particularly where, as
failed to spot an approaching bigger area, harming the in China, they connect dense but
train. That was not the last time prospects of poorer places. Even distant population clusters. On
a new train line has had in Japan, home to the most shorter routes, their advantages
unintended consequences. commercially successful line, dwindle: they can neither
Victorian railways ushered in a Tokyo continues to grow faster transform a region nor replicate
golden age of prosperity; these than Osaka. New Spanish rail the advantages of wider
days politicians across the lines have swelled Madrid’s networks. And there is not yet
developed world hope new rapid business population to Seville’s such a thing as a cheap high-
trains, which barrel along at over loss. The trend in France has speed link: China’s safety failures
250mph (400kph), can do the been for headquarters to move have shown the perils of skimping
same. But high-speedrail rarely up the line to Paris and for fewer in any way. At present, for most
delivers the widespread economic overnight stays elsewhere. places, the marginal benefits of
benefits its boosters predict. The Even if some cities benefit, other these fantastic feats of
Britishgovernment—the latest to places beyond the rail network engineering, in terms of reduced
be beguiled by this vision of may suffer: speed is attained journey times, are outweighed
modernity—should think again partly at the cost of stops, so by the high costs.
(see article). areas well served by existing And those costs sap funding from
High-speed talk is everywhere at services may find new lines bypass humbler but more efficient
the moment. Six countries have them. Parts of Britain, for schemes. Especially in smaller
put large sums into “bullet” example, fear that a new zippy countries, upgrading existing,
trains: Japan, France, Germany, railway will create a second tier slower networks often makes
Spain, and, more recently, Italy of cities supplied by fewer and more sense. Capacity can be
and China. Australia, Portugal slower trains. High-speed lines, increased with longer trains and
and Indonesia are all considering like other regeneration projects, extended platforms. Some
new lines. And the British often displace economic activity spacious first-class carriages could
government is pondering plans rather than create it. be converted to more compressed
for a £32 billion ($52 billion) link The advantages, meanwhile, second-class ones; pricing may
from London to the north of mostly accrue to business ration demand more effectively
England. Ventures elsewhere have travellers. In China ticket prices at busy times. Better signalling
stumbled: China suspended new are beyond the reach of most can increase the average speed
projects after a fatal collision of people, so new trains yawn with of journeys. Britain’s non-
two high-speed trains in July; empty seats. Yet because high- highspeed trains, for example,
Brazil delayed plans for a rapid speed lines require huge are already quicker than most
Rio de Janeiro-São Paulo link, investments, usually by other countries’ equivalents.
after lack of interest from governments, ordinary taxpayers Some trains that currently run
construction firms. Yet end up paying. So instead of at 125mph could go faster if
governments remain susceptible redistributing wealth and signals were upgraded—even if
to the idea that such projects opportunities, rich regions and unveiling a new signal box might
can help to diminish regional individuals benefit at the expense appeal less to politicians than
inequalities and promote growth. of poorer ones. inaugurating a futuristic new
In fact, in most developed service.
economies high-speed railways
360.revista de alta velocidad/ número 2 • mayo 2012 103