Page 99 - Vía Libre Special - 25 Years of Spanish High Speed Rail
P. 99

400                                                                   404 km/h  AVE s/103
                380   Legend                 RM  World record                          362 km/h
                360     Maximum speed. High speed  Speed record. High speed   356.8 km/h
                340     Maximum speed. Electric traction  Speed record. Electric traction  AVE s/100  Talgo 350 GIF
                320     Maximum speed. Diesel traction  Speed record. Diesel traction
                300     Maximum speed. Steam traction  Speed record. Steam traction
                280                                                                    254.6 km/h
                260                                                       241 km/h  248 km/h  RM
                                                               230 km/h
                240                                    222 km/h RM  Talgo 353.001   206 km/h  BT GIF
                                                                        Serie 269 601
              Speed (km/h)  200                        Talgo 352 Platanito 443  Platanito 443                          brake van
                                                                 203 km/h
                                       150 km/h
                140                   Confederación
                120                                                                           1997  1997
                                                                                     252+Talgo 6algo 6
                                                                                     354+Talgo 6algo 6
                100                                                                  354+T
                 80  1936, Rápido 13   1950, Talgo II  1952, TAF  1964, Talgo III  1968, UT 900             1996, 252+Talgo 6
                  60        Norte                                        252,269,250

                  40                         1961, loc.  1971, elec.    354,333,352,353
                  20                            10.000       432  1975, Final steam  1992, start AVE
                   1934  1936  1938  1940  1942  1944  1946  1948  1950  1952  1954  1956  1958  1960  1962  1964  1966  1968  1970  1972  1974  1976  1978  1980  1982  1984  1986  1988  1990  1992  1994  1996  1998  2000  2002  2004  2006  2008  2010  2012  2014  2016
            had been previously been realigned and levelled        The five hundreds
            but were still fitted with wooden sleepers, two of
            the most modern direct current locomotives of           Twenty-six years would pass before French
            the time, the CC7107 and the BB9004, attempted    railways would surprise the world with a new record.
            to reach a speed never previously attained by any   In a trial prepared exclusively to improve on the exis-
            railway vehicle.                                  ting record which dated back to May 8, 1990 when
                  The first attempt was made on March 28.     the TGV Atlantique no. 325 hit 515.3 km/h at kilometre
            Neither of the two locomotives could avoid the    166 of the TGV Atlantique line near Vendôme, on April
            track slewing effect when they reached 300 km/h,   3, 2007 the train V150 (TGV Duplex by Alstom) was
            and BB9004’s pantograph was destroyed.            able to put the speedometer needle up to 574.8 km/h
                  To prevent this second problem from ha-     at kilometre 191 of the TGV Est line (Paris-Strasbourg),
            ppening again, on the second trial, conducted     which was to enter into commercial operation some
            the next day, train CC7107 lowered its pantogra-  months later.
            ph when it reached that point, although the wind        In this occasion, relates Iñaki Barrón, the trial
            kept it up for some time, and locomotive BB9004,   was broadcast live to an audience of five million
            with its inductors short-circuited (i.e., the motors   viewers, so they needed a twin jet SN 600 Corvette
            were not  delivering their  maximum  power), ma-  aircraft to film it since nothing else was fast enough.
            naged a peak speed of 331 km/h, leaving the track   At that time only the Japanese maglev train, at 580
            completely out of alignment.                      km/h, could go faster.
                  The SNCF beat the record again in 1981,
            although while before it was all down to the lo-       Spanish records
            comotives, now the trial would be conducted on
            new infrastructure with a new OHL system.               Spanish railways were always held back by the
                  The success was chalked up to trainset 16   topography of their network and, for a large part
            of the TGV at kilometre 155.8 of the Paris-Sud Est   of their history, by their technological dependence
            line, more specifically, between Courcelles-Fré-  which conditioned any home grown developments.
            moy and Dyé. Although in trials conducted during   However, since the 1960s there have been one or two
            the previous day the train reached a speed of 371   contributions of note from the Spanish railway in-
            km/h, it was on February 26 1981 when the TGV     dustry.
            posted the official record at 380 km/h. French rai-     First is the speed record posted by the Con-
            lways demonstrated with this feat that their rai-  federation 2001, which in 1955, hauling two trains
            lway technology was in the forefront of the world   weighing 435 and 480 tons each, on the stretch be-
            because, among other reasons, this landmark was   tween San Vicente de Calders and Vilanova i la Gel-
            the culmination of a long process of research     trú, reached 140 km/h. Some experts say that during
            which pointed to high speed as being the railway   the testing phase the needle on the speedometer hit
            of the future.                                    150 km/h.

                                                                  Vía Libre • Special 25th Anniversary of the AVE Edition  99
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