Page 96 - Vía Libre Special - 25 Years of Spanish High Speed Rail
P. 96


             years of Spanish high speed rail

               cesses. The result has been the development of a   ledo, Madrid-Valencia-Albacete, and Madrid-Galicia.
               new track laying method, TECSA-AVE, which has re-  Abroad we have deployed our signalling systems
               volutionized the construction of the superstructure   on the Ankara-Istanbul line and our experience has
               of high speed track.                              given us the opportunity to apply high speed tech-
                                                                 nology on conventional networks in Mexico on the
               2.  These new track laying systems represent the   Cuautitlán-Buenavista suburban line (the first ETCS
               greatest  advance  in  railway  construction  in  recent   system in America). We are also deploying ETCS level
               years.  Thanks  to  them  performance  has  been  in-  2 on the Mexico-Toluca line and there is project to
               creased hugely (>250%) while the final quality of the   deploy ETCS level 1 on the Tepekoy-Cuomavasi line
               track is also improved. The new methods and the   in Turkey.
               machinery developed to implement them have been
               patented both in Spain and internationally, and they
               are arousing the interest of railway authorities and
               companies all over the world.

               3. TECSA is currently involved in the construction of
               the corridors yet to be completed, and the mainte-
               nance of high speed lines already in operation.


                                                                 1. T1. TYPSA has been involved in the development of
                                                                 the high speed rail in Spain since its very beginnings.
                                                                 It took part in the first work on Madrid-Seville HSL
                                                                 and was then involved in all the lines built in Spain:
                                                                 Madrid-Zaragoza-Barcelona-French Border, Cor-
               THALES                                            doba-Malaga, and Madrid-Segovia-Valladolid, and
                                                                 their connections with the north and northwest of
                                                                 Spain, such as the Basque Y or the connection with
               1.  Thales España has developed systems and pro-  Galicia, the Madrid-Castile La Mancha-Valencian
               ducts for the Spanish railway market, leveraging and   Community-Region of Murcia line, the high speed
               building on our strengths in RD&I and engineering.   Navarre corridor, the Madrid-Badajoz line, and the
               With the deployment of ERTMS and signalling sys-  Galician Atlantic Axis. On these routes TYPSA has
               tems over a large part of the Spanish high speed rail   carried out all kinds of work; informative studies,
               network we have succeeded in becoming a bench-    construction designs, construction supervision, te-
               mark  company  in  both  Spain  and  abroad,  thereby   chnical support to construction supervision, etc.
               helping to maintain and improve the good opera-
               tion of the second largest high speed network in the   2. The construction of the high speed network in
               world.                                            Spain was a great opportunity for all the companies
                                                                 involved in its development, allowing them to acqui-
               2. The Madrid-Seville project was a key reference due   re cutting edge experience in this field which then
               to its innovative technology which has been evolving   opens up other markets, facilitating companies’ in-
               over the years.  It was the beginning  of everything   ternational expansion.
               Thales is today in the high speed rail sector, since it
               enabled us to make a great impact, not only at a na-  3. In addition to Spanish projects, TYPSA has parti-
               tional level but internationally as well. We are selling   cipated to a greater or lesser extent in the develo-
               the experience acquired in Spain to markets abroad,   pment of major international high speed projects,
               and have become a competence centre in this tech-  such as Madrid-Lisbon (Poceirao-Caia section), Fi-
               nology within the Thales Group.                   gueres-Perpignan (Spain-France), Sao Paulo-Rio
                                                                 de Janeiro (Brazil), Lyon-Turin (France-Italy), Laho-
               3.  Thales  España  has  been  working  on  over 2,700   re-Rawalpindi (Pakistan), Los Angeles-Las Vegas
               km of the Spanish high speed rail network since the   (USA) and TYPSA is currently involved in the develo-
               first Madrid-Seville line, on the lines of Madrid-Léri-  pment of high speed rail in Sweden (Jonköping-Mal-
               da, Madrid-Valladolid, Cordoba-Malaga, La Sagra-To-  mö and Ostlänken), and in the UK (HS2).

               96  Vía Libre • Special 25th Anniversary of the AVE Edition
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