Page 34 - Vía Libre Special - 25 Years of Spanish High Speed Rail
P. 34


             years of Spanish high speed rail

              GONZALO RUBIO

                                                                    A Series 730 train at Ocaña.

                      Antequera–                                        Madrid–Galicia

               Granada                                           high speed line

               This 122 km long line will join up with the Cordo-  •  Zamora-Orense section. The entry into service
               ba-Malaga branch of the Madrid-Andalusia high      of this 229 km long section will complete the Ma-
               speed corridor and will take high speed rail as far as   drid-Galicia line.
               the city of Granada. It has been necessary to build    It is being built in two large sections: Zamo-
               four tunnels and 31 viaducts, the most impressive of   ra-Pedralba de la Pradería-Lubián, 129 km in leng-
               which is the one at Archidona, which is 3,150 metres   th,  and  Lubián-Orense,  around  100  km  long.  Due
               long and carries the tracks over the River Guadalhor-  to the ruggedness of the terrain, especially in the
               ce, and the one over the A-92, with a length 2,525   Lubián-Orense section, 36 tunnels and 45 viaducts
               metres. The line will have three stations: Antequera,   are needed. Seven of these tunnels are on the 118.1
               Loja, and Granada. The new high speed station of   km long section between the city of Zamora and
               Antequera is being built parallel to the existing one,   the Zamoran village of Pedralba de la Pradería,
               which it will replace. Its entry into service will speed   among which is the 1,537.5 metre long Puebla tun-
               up the high speed connection between Granada and   nel, and fourteen viaducts, the longest of which is
               Malaga since trains will able to stop there without   the 645 metre long Tera viaduct.
               having to divert to the present day Antequera Santa    Between  Pedralba de la Pradería  and the
               Ana station.                                      Espiño tunnels there are no fewer than sixteen
                     In the case of the station at Granada, the   tunnels (including the aforementioned 1,537.5
               facilities, including the track fan and the pass-  metre long one) and twelve viaducts, one of
               enger building, have been radically revamped to   which, the Requejo viaduct, is 2,079 metres long.
               meet the needs of the high speed rail service. The   Meanwhile on the route between Vilariño de
               work includes the adaptation of the area around   Conso and Taboadela, thirteen tunnels totalling
               the terminal, with the creation of a new public   63 km and nineteen viaducts with a total leng-
               area to facilitate intermodality with the future li-  th of 4.5 km are planned. The most outstanding
               ght railway.                                      examples of each are the 8.5 km long twin-bore

               34  Vía Libre • Special 25th Anniversary of the AVE Edition
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